Digital Ops is a division of Melara Enterprises, LLC. To learn more about our parent company, click here.
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Melara’s Digital Ops Team empowers you with the essential resources to excel in digital marketing. Gain insight into the customer journey and what products work best for your goal.

Our Powerful Strategy

The Customer Journey

A full-funnel marketing strategy ensures comprehensive coverage of a customer’s journey from awareness to retention. By targeting different stages of the funnel, it maximizes reach, improves conversion rates, and enhances the overall customer experience. Check out each stage and the best product pairings for your goal.


Your brand consistently appears in front of a potential customer to spark an interest, meet a need or create one. On average, It takes 7-10 times for someone to see your ad before acting.

Recommended Media Tactic: Print Ads,  Digital Display Ads, Local Retargeting, Sponsorships, Run of Network Pre-Roll/Streaming TV, Social Media Ads, Device ID, Dominant Display, Outdoor


Once you've grabbed their attention, the customer begins looking for more information about your business. Focus on educating them on what sets you apart from the competition.

Recommended Media Tactic: Sponsored content, Co-branded email, Programmatic email, Native Advertising, Device ID, Dominant Display, Targeted Pre-roll/Streaming TV, Social Media Ads


After discovering the options your business has to offer, the customer begins to consider and compare to competitors in your industry.

Recommended Media Tactic: Search Engine Marketing (Paid Search/GoogleAds), Search Engine Optimization (Local/Organic), Site Retargeting, Social Ads, Email Retarget


Customers might visit your website, call you or fill out a form to request more info on your services. This is where potential clients turn into leads and leads turn into sales.  

Recommended Media Tactic: Search Engine Marketing (Paid Search/GoogleAds), Search Engine Optimization (Local/Organic)


You've made the sale, now it's time to maintain existing relationships with customers after a purchase to keep them coming back. It costs 7x more to gain a new customer than to retain an existing customer.

Recommended Media Tactic: Social Media, Direct Email Marketing, Site Retargeting

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Take a peak at our success stories. Who knows? You may be one someday.

Direct Access to digital Experts

Our team will help develop a custom digital product mix to reach your specific marketing goals